
发明作者:Laslo Egri
申请人:Tamag Basel Ag;

The invention relates to a method of increasing the amount of crushed
the veins of tobacco leaves. The purpose of the invention is to improve the quality of tobacco veins. The chopped veins of tobacco leaves are impregnated with a substance containing 45-60 May L of moisture, then the veins are heated and dried for 10-20 s in a stream of gaseous medium having a temperature of 150180 C and humidity 50 £ until the moisture content in the veins is 12.5-14 May L.
In the process of heating and drying, the direction of the veins and their relative speed are repeatedly changed by means of deflecting devices. At the drying stage, the speed and temperature of the gaseous medium is reduced to 110-150 ° C. 4 ill., 5 tab.
The invention relates to a method for increasing the volume of crushed veins of tobacco leaves, in which the cut veins are impregnated with water, the impregnated sliced veins are heated and dried in a pneumatic transport system using a gaseous, steam-containing transport medium and heat carrier.
The purpose of the invention is to improve the quality of tobacco veins.
Moistened to at least 45% water content, the threads of the veins of tobacco leaves are dried in a pneumatic transport system (pneumatic dryer) at a temperature of gaseous, steam containing coolant and transport medium 105 - 250 ° C for at least about 10 seconds. minimum final humidity
12.5 wt.%. By determining the mass ratio, hardness, and hydraulic resistance to the gas flow of cigarettes made from the cut according to the invention of the tobacco leaf veins mixed with the laminate, it turned out that the entire volume effect of the dried is preferably to a moisture content of ΟΙ 4% by weight of the tobacco cores leaves approximately completely able to be found again in the target product.
In the proposed method, it is more expedient to feed the tobacco impregnated with the expanding agent directly in front of the heating zone in the usual way in the flow of the gaseous coolant.
Particularly favorable results, both with respect to the expansion effect, and with respect to dust formation and further processing of the processed cut of the tobacco leaf veins, are reached when the cut of the tobacco leaf veins is dried for about .10 to 20 seconds, preferably about 15 to 20 seconds.
Since the veins of tobacco leaves generally have a relatively inelastic, sexually structure, in order to soften them and, therefore, to achieve a significant expansion of the proposed method, the initial moisture content of the processed slices of the veins of tobacco leaves is 40 - 60 May.%.
In order to preserve the elasticity of the cell walls, especially during the first phase of the proposed treatment of the veins of tobacco leaves, and due to this, the gaseous heat carrier and transport agent should contain at least 50% by volume of water vapor. Its temperature should be immediately before the inlet of the thread of the veins of tobacco leaves 150 180 ° C.
In connection with the aforementioned rapid heat transfer from the coolant to the tobacco leaf particles, which is important especially in the first processing phase for good volumetric effects, a special kind of increased turbulence is proposed that allows you to remove (destroy) suppressive heat transfer (laminar boundary layer) on the surface tobacco particles. At the same time, the impregnated parts of the veins of tobacco leaves during their transportation are deflected in their direction of movement and their relative speeds change in relation to the gaseous, containing water vapor, heat. carrier and transport agent. Due to this, high turbulence and heat transfer rates are achieved without this being done by the conventional method using high transport speeds and related disadvantages, such as increased dust generation and kinks or a short residence time at correspondingly high temperatures.
According to the invention, changes in relative speed or direction changes are made due to the pneumatic direction of the particles of the veins of tobacco leaves along several deflecting devices opposite to each other and / or displaced against each other. Thanks to the use of the proposed deflecting devices, it is possible to significantly reduce the temperature of the coolant * containing gaseous water vapor and the transportation agent at the same initial and final moisture content of the material from the veins of the tobacco leaves, while maintaining the achieved increase in volume.
For the organoleptic properties of the processed veins of tobacco leaves, it turned out to be favorable when the veins are soaked with an impregnating agent, which consists of water with the addition of orthophosphoric acid and / or its sodium salt.
A particularly favorable effect with respect to the smoky tastus of the worked-out cutting of the veins of tobacco leaves is achieved when orthophosphoric acid and / or its sodium salt are added to water in an amount of 0.1–1.0 wt.% Per 15 dry weight of the veins of tobacco leaves. .
In order to allow the cutting of the veins of the tobacco leaves to be dried under mild conditions and at the same time achieve a uniform final moisture content, preferably a vertical shaft shaft is inserted into the pneumatic system, the cross section of the flow of which expands in the transport direction of the tobacco material. Thanks to a suitable choice of the dimensions of the expansion of the cross section of the flow, such a reduction in the flow rate is achieved, that only particles 30 that have a certain specific weight, i.e. certain humidity.
Drying of the thread of the veins of tobacco leaves is carried out with particular caution when the temperature of the gaseous water-containing coolant and vehicle (agent) in the expansion zone of the cross section of the stream is 110-150 ° C.
After expansion, the tobacco is separated to from the gaseous transport medium (agent), for example, in a cyclone separator, and further processed.
FIG. 1 shows the proposed heating zone (expansion zone); vertical tilt right up; in fig. 2 - the same, the second option; Fig. 3 - the same, bottom view, the third option; in fig. 4 is a schematic representation of the most important parts of the device 50 for implementing the proposed method.
A device for carrying out the proposed method in the heating zone has opposing deflecting elements which are offset 55 relative to each other.
The second variant of the device for the implementation of the proposed method consists in that in the heating zone, baffles displaced relative to each other are arranged as deflecting devices.
The third variant of the device for the implementation of the proposed method consists in the fact that bent bends located relative to each other are arranged as deflecting devices in the heating zone.
Specific pipelines 1 and 2, which are produced from pipelines with a circular or rectangular cross-sectional profile, are suitable as heating zones. In this case, the cross-section is a circular or rectangular profile due to one of the pipelines 1 and 2 in the area in which there are no proposed deflecting devices. .
Pipelines 1 and 2 are particularly suitable as heating zones, through which tobacco particles fed into the gaseous coolant flow pass at high speed. Since it is proposed to use additional heat absorption from the hot inner wall of the heating zone due to a combination of thermal conductivity and thermal radiation, it is preferable to use pipelines with as large a cross-sectional volume as possible and, therefore, with a large radiating surface. Therefore, it is preferable that pipelines 1 have a rectangular cross section, especially with an aspect ratio of width width b: height a - 2, preferably 5 3. With this aspect ratio, it is achieved that the surface of the pipelines ^ becomes large, and the distances between the walls and tobacco particles remain due to the suitable design of the deflecting devices, the opposite walls of the pipe interfere with the direction of flow of the impregnated tobacco parts in the direction along the pipelines 1 and 2, so that the direction of the main zheniya represents approximately a zig-zag path and tobacco particles thus remain as close as possible and for a long time at the walls.
Bends 3 and 4 have a curve, such as a circular segment type, profile
and at right angles to
the longitudinal direction of the pipeline 1366038
yes 1 and 2, going continuously, but shifted to the opposite wall of the pipe. Due to this arrangement, bends 3 and 4 in the direction of flow alternate contractions and expansions of the cross section occur alternately. With numerous changes in direction, tobacco particles often often move at an angle less than 45 ° to the hot inner pipe wall and / or in close proximity to it, moreover, heat is transferred by a combination of direct heat conduction with thermal radiation to particles, so that there is an accelerated transfer of heat (temperature).
The curves 4 may also consist of a plurality of hemispheres. In such an implementation, the flow of the impregnated tobacco particles also changes as described above. The cross-sectional variations according to the invention also lead to increased flow turbulence, which favorably affects the access of the gaseous coolant and improves the heat transfer of the gaseous coolant — tobacco.
A particularly simple form of implementation is that both opposite walls of the pipelines consist of undulating sheets that are offset from each other.
The outer walls of the heating zone made according to the invention can additionally be equipped with heating devices. The heating intensity is preferably chosen so that the temperature inside the heating zone is 100-250 ° C.
Presented in FIG. 1 The heating zone consists of pipeline 1, whose inlet 5 and, accordingly, the outlet opening have a rectangular profile with an aspect ratio of width b: height a 3. Bends 3 have a circular segment profile and are arranged at right angles to the longitudinal direction of pipeline 1, passing continuously However, the offset opposite zone (plane).
In the second embodiment, in the proposed heating zone (FIG. 2), the inlet and outlet of the pipeline have the same profile as the pipeline 1. Figure 1. The pipeline consists of FLAT προς fillets of corrugated sheets, the curves of which run at a right angle to the longitudinal direction of the pipeline.
In the third embodiment, in the proposed heating zone (Fig. 3)
10, the inlet 7 and the outlet 6 of the pipeline 2 have a circular profile, i.e. The main cross section of the pipeline 2 also has a circular profile. In the pipeline
15 2 at regular distances, however, a plurality of bends 4 in the form of hemispheres are located displaced with respect to each other. In this case, in the proposed heating zone, there are several areas of steam and / or gas inlet that are displaced relative to each other as ot20 cloning devices.
FIG. 4 schematically shows the essential details of the device for implementing the method. In the zone of expansion (heating) are impregnated particles of the veins of tobacco leaves, as well as gaseous, containing
30 water vapor, coolant and means of transportation. Expanded particles of the veins of tobacco leaves from the expansion zone are sent to the bottom
• the part is made preferably
35 at the top of the conical drying zone. Dried, expanded particles of the veins of tobacco leaves are removed from the upper part of the drying zone and further processed,
40 In the following examples, the application of the proposed method and the achieved results.
In all cases of processing, the cut veins of tobacco leaves are moistened in a humidifying drum and then processed in the proposed pneumatic transport device. Measurement of occupancy of the slicing of the veins of tobacco leaves is carried out with
50 using a hydrometer with a scale of VogdaDab and refers to the standard moisture content of the studied material 13 ^.
Example 1. Material: rim of the veins of tobacco leaves Hellflg. The results in the table. one.
Of both machined parts, and
Samples are also prepared from untreated cutting of the veins of tobacco leaves 7
cigarettes so that part B is moistened to a water content of 132! and mixed with a fraction of 10% standard tobacco blend. Part A, as well as untreated, cut veins of tobacco leaves, are not mixed with the same standard tobacco mixture without further conditioning. Cigarettes condition it and sort them according to the same hardness. The results are shown in Table. 2
PRI mme R 2. Material: ground and cut veins of tobacco leaves of the Maryland variety. Results in 15
tab. 3
Part C is processed in a pneumatic system in which an element is embedded according to the second embodiment of the Embodiment (FIG. 2). 20
A part ϋ is machined in a pneumatic system, in which instead of the mentioned element there is a smooth tube of comparable transverse section.
Example Material: ground and chopped dark mixture of the veins of tobacco leaves. The results in the table. four.
PRI me R 4. Use crushed and chopped veins of Maryland tobacco, with the characteristics shown in the table. five.
The proposed method will significantly increase the filling capacity of the veins of tobacco leaves, as well as improve their quality.
humidity 12.5 - 14 wt.% in the same flow of the gaseous medium of the pneumatic transport system, characterized in that, in order to improve the quality of the tobacco veins, in the process of heating the latter, the direction of their movement and their relative speed repeatedly change the relatively gaseous medium by mutually opposite offset deflecting devices, followed by a decrease in the speed and temperature of the gaseous medium at the stage of drying to 110–150 ° C, while heating and drying are carried out for 10–20 s.
Table 1
Claims (1)
Claims -
A method of increasing the volume of the crushed veins of tobacco leaves, including the stage of treating them with an aqueous solution of the impregnating substance to a moisture content of 45–60 May.% Of heating and simultaneous movement of the veins of tobacco leaves with a flow of a gaseous medium with a temperature of 150–80 ° C and containing at least 50 vol. water vapor, and drying to
Characteristic..... Part BUT ! at Initial wet ness, wt.% 50.0 50.0 Final wet ness, wt.% 13.0 8.0 Temperature at the introduction of tobacco ka, ° C 160 260 Time of stay NIA, with sixteen 7 The proportion of material sifted cut sieve 0, 75 mm,% 1.1 6.0 Fullness ml / g) 6.08 5.65 Rise in the hauling compared to due to disregard of botanical scrap,% + 60.8 +49.5
Table 2
The average weight of cigarettes, mg 1078
.1,138 12.4
1366038. !and
Continued table. 2
Characteristic Part BUT g....... to I Unprocessed Hardness, mm depth us indentation 1.9 1.9 1.9 Saving tobacco mg / cigarette 60 43 - Saving tobacco,% 5.3 3.8 -
Characteristic WITH Part“T Initial humidity, May. 55.0 55.0 Final humidity, May. 13.4 13.4 The temperature of the supply of tobacco, ° C 155 190 Stay time, with 18 18 Filling capacity, ml / g 7, 25 6.82 Increased filling rate compared to the raw material,% +65 , 7 +55,8
Table ^
------------------ • Characteristic Part - one R Initial wet ness, wt.% 52 52 Moisturizing Water Water + WA 2 NR0 Phosphorus content that is based on • ζ dry rifle, 7a - 0.8 Final wet May, 7a 12.8 12.9 Smoke judgment Acute, not Aromatic, how much no question
less aromatic as compared to untreated sample
Table 5
Technology and results The consignment ‘Ί > I WITH Humidity of the original veins of tobacco (initial humidity, May.% 45 60 50 Temperature of the heating and transport medium in the heating zone (tobacco supply), ° С 180 150 170 The content of water vapor heating and transport environment, vol.% 50 56 62 Temperature of the heating and transport medium in the drying zone, С 150 110 140 The duration of treatment in the zone of heating and drying, with ten 20 12 Final moisture content of dried tobacco veins, May 14 12.5 13 Filling capacity, ml / g 7.10 6.50 6, Increase in capacity forCompletions comparedWith untreated tobacco, 7, 64.6 62.0 62,
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